Corrosion Evaluation

This post expands on the eighth item in our Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide: Corrosion Evaluation

Solar panels are like the rockstars of clean energy, turning sunlight into electricity and reducing our carbon footprint. But, just like any superstar, they face challenges. Today, we're diving into one major issue: corrosion.

Corrosion is a natural process that loves to mess with metals, especially in the world of solar panels. It can show up as rust, oxidation, or just a general wearing down of metallic surfaces. This can lead to a drop in efficiency and a shorter lifespan for solar panels.

Old and rusty solar panels

So, why does corrosion happen? Here are the key culprits:

  1. Environmental Exposure: In Hawaii, solar panels face rain, humidity, temperature changes, and salty air. Moisture plays a big role in kicking off the corrosion process.

  2. Material Matters: The materials used matter a lot. For example, aluminum is fantastic for panels but not so great when it rubs shoulders with different metals, causing galvanic corrosion. Not the VIP treatment we want for our panels!

  3. Manufacturing Mojo: If panels aren’t made with love and care, defects or vulnerabilities can sneak in, making them more prone to corrosion. Think of it as a panel getting a cold – not ideal!

  4. Maintenance Matters: Regular TLC is a must! Neglecting to clean and inspect panels lets dirt, bird droppings, and salt build up, creating a cozy home for corrosion. Not on our watch!

  5. Chemical Crush: Some environmental chemicals can be real troublemakers, causing corrosion over time. Identifying and tackling these chemical exposures is key.

How do we fight back against corrosion? Solar Specialty Group has the playbook:

  1. Smart Material Choices: Corrosion-resistant metals and top-notch coatings are our recommendations.

  2. Regular Pampering: We also recommend that your panels get regular spa days – aka cleaning and inspections. Gentle detergents and soft brushes keep them looking and performing their best.

  3. Protective Coatings: We recommend an added layer of defense with protective coatings on crucial components.

  4. Environmental IQ: We do thorough assessments of your environment – humidity, pollution, and potential corrosive troublemakers. In Hawaii, this knowledge is power!

  5. Top-Notch Quality: We’re sticklers for recommending quality in manufacturing. No cutting corners – just top-tier panels built to last.

In a nutshell, understanding and tackling corrosion means our solar panels keep rocking that clean, sustainable energy. Solar Specialty Group is all about a greener, more sustainable future.

Ready to join the solar revolution? Let's make it happen and give us a call: 808.854.9539! 🌐🌍🌞 #SolarSpecialtyGroup #CleanEnergyRevolution #SolarPanelsRock


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