Hey there! Just a friendly heads-up about something you might not have known about solar panels: rain alone is not enough to keep them squeaky clean. It’s a common misconception that a good downpour will do the trick, but the reality is a bit more complicated.

When dirt and grime build up on your solar panels, it’s not just about the loss of energy production versus the cost of cleaning them. Sure, that’s part of it, but the bigger issue is that this dirt can actually cause damage over time. It can wear down components and eventually lead to the whole system failing.

OK, once in a blue moon, a really good rain might give your panels a decent rinse, but it’s kind of like expecting rain to keep your car spotless for decades – it’s pretty rare. And imagine if leaving your car dirty could mess up your engine in the long run – you’d probably be a lot more diligent about keeping it clean, right?

For most situations, especially commercial setups and residential areas without constant rain, relying solely on rain to clean your panels just won’t cut it. Rain might wash away some loose dirt, but if there’s any significant buildup, it’s not going to do much. Especially if your panels are installed flat or in humid environments (like the Hawaiian islands!) , rain won’t stand a chance against stubborn grime.

Rain is pretty good at rinsing away fresh dirt, but when it comes to more stubborn stuff like dust, grime, or pollen that’s had time to make itself at home on your panels, well, rain just doesn’t quite cut it. And if your panels are flat or in a humid area, forget about it – rain doesn’t stand a chance against that kind of buildup.

Call Thomas for your next solar panel inspection. He’ll discuss the correct method for cleaning your panels and refer you to a colleague if you’d like to leave it to someone else. 808.854.9539.


Solar PV: What Homeowners Should Know


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