We leave no electrical box unturned in our mission to ensure your solar system operates at its peak. Today, let's shine a light on item 13 of our checklist: Inspecting Electrical Boxes. Peek inside, and you might discover more than just wires and circuits! Our dedicated team goes the extra mile, ensuring no critter squatters, water damage, or nasty surprises are lurking within.

Various critters may find their way into electrical boxes, seeking shelter or warmth. Common critters that may inhabit electrical boxes include:

  1. Rodents (Mice and Rats): These small mammals may nest inside electrical boxes, especially in colder seasons.

  2. Insects and Bugs: Ants, cockroaches, centipedes or spiders may be attracted to the warmth and protection inside electrical boxes.

  3. Birds: Nesting birds may choose electrical boxes as a sheltered location, leading to potential issues.

  4. Wasps or Bees: Electrical boxes may attract these insects looking for a secure nesting site.

  5. Snakes: No snakes in Hawaii (hooray!), but in other locations, snakes might seek refuge in electrical boxes, particularly if they provide a dark and warm environment.

It’s essential to regularly inspect electrical boxes to ensure they remain free from critters, preventing potential safety hazards and system malfunctions. If critters are discovered, it’s advisable to involve professionals to safely remove them and address any damage.

Inside those electrical boxes, other potential issues like water ingress, or corroded connections may be uncovered. Water damage can lead to electrical malfunctions and deterioration. Corrosion might silently eat away at connections, impacting performance. But fear not, Solar Specialty Group is here to uncover and address these issues, ensuring your solar journey is critter-free and electrically sound.

Ready to power up with confidence? Give us a call at 808.854.9539. Let’s inspect those electrical boxes, keep the critters at bay, and guarantee a solar-powered future free of surprises!


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