Solar Specialty Group

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Your Solar Panel System Check-Up Guide

Are your solar panels ready to soak up that glorious sunshine and save you some hard-earned cash this season? It’s time for your solar panel system check-up, and we’re here to guide you through it. Think of it as a spa day for your solar setup – refreshing, rejuvenating, and ensuring that it’s in top shape.

  1. Inspection of Solar Array for Blemishes, Mold, and Excessive Soiling - Let’s kick things off by examining the heart of your system – the solar array. We’ll check for any blemishes, mold, or dirt buildup that might be casting a shadow on your efficiency.

  2. A Peek at Roof Junction and/or Combiner Boxes - Next up, we’ll climb up to your roof junction and combiner boxes. We’ll make sure they’re in tip-top shape and ready to keep things flowing smoothly.

  3. Voltage and Current Checks for Solar Module Strings - For systems with one or more string inverters, we’ll perform some voltage and current checks to ensure everything’s running like clockwork.

  4. AC Power Output Check for Micro Inverter-Based Systems - If you have micro inverters, we’ll give them a friendly pat on the back and make sure they’re delivering that AC power output as promised.

  5. Connection Check-Up - Loose connections? Not on our watch! We’ll tighten those DC and AC wires in your string inverter(s) to make sure all is snug and secure.

  6. String Inverter Health Check - Your string inverter(s) will get a thorough once-over, including a look at their display to ensure they’re happy and healthy.

  7. PV Circuit Breaker Operation - We’ll inspect and verify your PV circuit breaker(s) operation, making sure they’re doing their part to keep things safe and efficient.

  8. Corrosion Evaluation - Grounding corrosion? Not on our turf. We’ll make sure everything’s shipshape in the grounding department.

  9. A Visual Survey - We’ll take a look at the quality of your installation that includes: your conduit, roof penetrations, and mounting hardware — to ensure they’re holding up their end of the bargain.

  10. Micro Inverter Systems’ Special Treatment - If you have a micro inverter-based system, we’ll give it an extra dose of attention, verifying its performance.

  11. Room to Grow - Is there room for expansion? We’ll evaluate your available roof space for potential system growth. More solar power? Yes, please!

  12. Unblocking Potential Obstructions - Obstructions, shading concerns, or pesky materials blocking your solar panels’ path? We’ll sweep those obstacles away.

  13. Inspecting Electrical Boxes - We’ll also peek inside those electrical boxes, ensuring there are no critter squatters, water damage, or any other nasty surprises.

Now, doesn’t that sound like a spa day for your solar panel system? With our friendly and inviting solar panel check-up, your solar setup will be ready to shine and save you some money. So sit back, relax, and let the sunshine in!

Give us a call: 808.854.9539